Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome To Blogsville

This is my first blog.  When I was in the Peace Corps, once a month or so when I could find Internet access, I would send a blast email out to family and friends describing my latest mishap, misadventure or learning experience.  At the time I am not sure if the term “blog” even existed.   Either way it certainly wasn’t part of my awareness sphere.  Knowing what little I do now of this widely embraced flat-world communicative device, I suppose those initial Peace Corps email blasts were technically my first foray into the blogging realm.  But based on the responses, or lack thereof, I got back from those winded sagas, I came to the conclusion: “This is something I really shouldn’t be doing.”  So I scaled back and decided it would probably be better for all parties involved if I just kept to my old-word messenger ways and limited my written expressions to more suitable territory like birthday card salutations or brief need-to-know-only emails.  Things like, “Roses are red and violets are blue, I’m tired of this aging business baby – how ‘bout you?” or “Great, meet ya in Vegas.  I’ll be standing by the slots.” etc.

But life sure has a funny way of pushing one forward and sooner or later making us face old demons.  Blogging is something I never planned or figured on doing the rest of the way out, right up ‘till the exit door.  But here I am nonetheless, being dragged with a weak kick and scream through a new found head portal that leads to you.  And frankly I think it’s a good thing.  Too much of my time is grounded in bad judgment and poor decisions so now is a as good a time as any to start being more open to that which I am not always comfortable, to think of the opposite of what I think is right.  It’s about time I embrace the things I once rejected.  The world is round or the world is flat, I suppose it all depends on perspective and attitude.  I once bet a friend I’d never own a cell phone.  I lost that one pretty quickly and glad I did.  I once rejected punk rock and then I heard The Clash.

So I will not wallow in self-loathing blog misery but instead choose to embrace the experience and see how it can enhance my life, maybe even help me out in the classroom.  But I will do so with a plan.  My goal is to use blogging as a means to listening and reacting to all of your thoughts as well as to work on tightening my prose and getting to the heart of matters without a lot of long-windedness.  I’m pretty positive I’ve already mastered that form, now I need to embrace the opposite.

“It's my head, Schwartz, and I will see you in court!” – Being John Malkovich           


  1. Charles, I also have been pretty apprehensive about blogging, stemming probably from earlier associations to self-absorbed hipsters in high school who had blogs...but I realize that my association is pretty antiquated and blogging is a really important way of communicating these days.

    I mentioned to you that I had a good experience keeping a blog in a class that I took last year, and I will say that among their other uses, a blog for me was a great way of reflecting on the material that we were reading for that class (which happened to be a Spanish class so I wrote the blog in Spanish; thus I had to create a new one!)...anyway, hopefully we all will get something useful or productive out of this exercise!

    PS-I *love* the Clash! And also Being John Malkovich!

  2. Charles, I love your willingness to embrace this whole technology/blogging thing! I admire you for your decision to use it for self improvement and learning, and hope I can learn to do the same. At the moment I'm still wallowing in the self-loathing blog misery you mentioned :).

  3. Charles~

    "...more open to that which I am not always comfortable."

    Metacogitively speaking, your willingness to challenge your comfort zone, to test new ways of thinking, communicating, in ways that develop your strengths from perceived weaknesses, is admirable and courageous. I, too, struggle with putting myself "out there" in the virtual universe, with exploring the unknown, but my perception is that EDUC 504 has such potential to help us grow professionally and personally by means of technological integration.

    BON COURAGE, CHARLES (moi aussi)


  4. Wow - where were you posted with the Peace Corps?
