Sunday, July 17, 2011

Reflection on Friday, July 15, 2011 Class

Friday’s class was an info whirlwind that I was barely able to keep my head above.  I always feel like I’m two clicks, two pages and two steps behind everyone else when we charge into tech learning.  Then I feel guilty about having to bring new learning to a screeching halt with absolute beginner questions like, “Wait, wait, where do I click now?”  Setting up and diving into the world of Twitter was stimulating though, especially when I saw how many uses it has and how much quality info about our future profession is available via a quick and simple tweet.  Just as soon as I can get used to navigating it, I think the Hootsuite site will be very useful to me because I don’t function well without some semblance of order and the site seems like a quick and easy way to follow what everyone in the cohort is doing and talking about.  Antonia’s Twitter demonstration and Q&A session was really useful as well in that it gave me a good look and understanding of all that is out there other than just what the Kardashians are thinking of wearing to the club tonight.

The product assessment assignment looks like it should prove fun and fruitful for everyone.  New gadgetry is always interesting to check out at and I am curious to see if the “TextHELP” software I was assigned might prove useful as a future teaching aid in and out of the classroom.  Looking back on my Jr. High and High School English class learning experiences, I know there were a lot of fundamental grammar lessons that a) were never properly presented or covered, or b) were one’s that I quickly forgot due to lack of heavy drilling and practice, e.g., split-infinitives, dangling participles, the passive voice, etc.  Maybe this software, or one similar, will be the tool that can help fill in the holes of critical grammar structure and principles that too easily can get left behind in the native speaker’s learning process and the urgency to be getting on to bigger and more interesting things in the English curriculum.                   


  1. Yeah - I am culpable for the speed of Friday. We also realize that by cancelling the July 1 class, we compressed the whole summer schedule, and we are definitely feeling the impact of folks -- including us -- not having time to process between days. We're working on it ... thanks for keeping us honest about it.

  2. Don't feel bad, Charles, I was two everything behind as well, I just wasn't as brave as you in voicing my confusion. And to be honest, I think a larger portion of the class than you might think are on the same page. I'm betting many of our classmates really appreciated your questions and kristin's consequential re-iteration of instruction. I know I did!
